Hello, I'm Chris and I'm a full-stack developer and software engineering student based in Venezuela!


Software Engineering ( Chess / Developer / Student )


My name is Chris and I'm a software engineering student trying to become a full-stack developer in my free time, I like to build minimalist, creative and functional digital services/applications. I'm a Typescript and Deno entusiast, also I can easliy work in every stack of the development, no matter the phase, from the planning and designing all the way to solving real-life problems with functional and scalable code. Currently working on my "discord killer" Cordia.


2001Born in Caracas, Venezuela
2017Wrote my first "Hello World!" in C++
2019Completed succesfully my first contract as a freelance frontend developer
2021Started software engineering career

About me

I like to play chess in my free time, play the piano, I do exercise regularly and now I am trying to get into the world of competitive programming.